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Mini Buc
Competitor Info

Helpful Info

Open Gym

Competitor only open gym is yet to be determined. we will figure it out as it gets closer.

  • Friday evening open gym will be closed, so we can set up the course for Saturday.

  • No open gym Saturday or Sunday due to competition.

Competitor Bio

We will send this out a couple weeks before.  This is just info to help our commentators know a little more about you when your running the course.  

Competition Day

Check in for wave 1 will be approx. 7:30am on Saturday, with the first runner at Exactly 8:00am.  We are currently planning 3 waves for stage 1.  This is mostly to help our check in volunteers so they don't get overwhelmed.  We will send out run order, waves and times for the rest of the stages on Friday. Please note it's going to be a very long day and could run late.  However, we plan to start later on Sunday.  If you decide to come watch other waves, please DO NOT check in until your wave time. The run order may change if weather severely impacts the athletes travel to Colorado.   

Course Walkthrough Videos

We will release a Stage 1 course video the day before.  We will not do a Stage 1 course walk though or demo the day of the comp, so please study the video!  We will have someone to answer your questions in the warm up area, and due to number of competitors, we will not be allowing questions at starting line so make sure to ask before. 


Stage 2 walkthrough and demo will also be posted the day before. Because of this, we will not do an in person walkthrough. We will, however, give competitor's 10 minutes to ask questions as a group and walk the course.


Stage 3 we will decide later.....


The only chalk allowed during the comp will be provided by Bucket of Chalk (after all we are a chalk company) at certain stations throughout the courses.  FYI this may not be at the start of the course. No other chalk will be permitted so leave your chalk at home(we reserve the right to disqualify you over this)!


Due to the number of sign ups parking is going to be a bit tight.  We highly recommend to carpool if you can. For overflow parking please park in the school across the street - World Compass Academy or UHaul. More to come on this. Please DO NOT park in the I Motion lot or you will be towed.

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